Executive director

Zheng Yongxiang (鄭永祥), aged 53, was appointed as an executive Director on 4 May 2011. Mr. Zheng Yongxiang has over 20 years of experience in the textile industry. He joined Jiangxi Jinyuan in 2005 as a general manager  is primarily responsible for formulating the policy  monitoring the operation of the Group. Prior to joining Jiangxi Jinyuan, Mr. Zheng Yongxiang served as the general manager of Shaoxing Gangtai Weaving Company  Limited  (紹興港泰針紡有 限公司)  2001 to 2005. He received the award of Outstanding Entrepreneur in 2007 (2007年度優秀企業家)  the Yichun Municipal Peoples’ Government in 2008  was awarded the Outstanding Architects of Yichun in the Reforming  Open Up for 30 Years (改革開放30年宜春市優秀建設者) in 2008  the Best Ten Yichun Citizen (十佳宜春人) in 2009. He was the Chairman of Federation of Industry  Commerce of Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province (江西省奉新縣工商業聯合會)  2012 to 2015. Mr. Zheng Yongxiang is a representative of Jiangi Fengxin County People’s Congress (江西省奉新縣人民代表大會). Mr. Zheng Yongxiang graduated  the Open University of China (中央廣播電視大學) with a diploma of accounting (finance  accounting) in 2010. Mr. Zheng Yongxiang is the elder brother of Mr. Zheng Hong, the chairman  a non-executive Director of the Company. 

Non executive director

Zheng Hong (鄭洪), aged 46, was appointed as the chairman of the Company  an executive Director on 4 May 2011. Mr. Zheng Hong was re-designated as a non-executive Director on 5 December 2019. He has over 21 years of experience in the textile industry. He is one of the founders of the Group  was a director of Jiangxi Jinyuan, a subsidiary of the Group,  2005 to 2017. He is a director of Jolly Success International  Limited    Treasure  Resources  Corporation Limited, both of which are subsidiaries of the Company. He is  the  vice  president  (副會長)  of  the  Chinese  Cotton   Textile Industry Association (中國棉紡織行業協會), the vice supervisor (副主任) of the cotton trading committee of the Chinese  Cotton    Textile  Industry  Association  (中國棉紡織行業協會棉花貿易專業委員會)    a  committee  member of  the  Chinese  Textile  Products  Technical  Committee  (中國棉紡織品技術委員會).  Mr.  Zheng  Hong  was  awarded  as  the China Textile Outstanding Labour (全國紡織工業勞動模範) in 2010. He was elected as one of the Top Ten Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs of the Textile Industry in China (全國棉紡織產業十大傑出青年企業家)  the National Outstanding Young Textile Entrepreneur (全國優秀紡織青年企業家) in 2014  2017 respectively. He  was  awarded  an  MBA degree by  Fudan  University  (復旦大學)  in  2014    he  completed  the  Commercial  Enterprises  Information  Strategy  Knowledge Management CEO Advanced Programme (工商企業信息戰略與知識管理總裁高級研修班) at Tsinghua University (清華大學) in 2005. Mr. Zheng Hong is the younger brother of Mr. Zheng Yongxiang, the executive Director.

Independent non-executive director

Zhang Baixiang (張百香), aged 61, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 27 November 2014. Ms. Zhang has over 35 years of experience in corporate accounting  taxation. Ms. Zhang has been a corporate accountant in the PRC since 1993  a PRC tax advisor since 1995. Ms. Zhang held various positions in the National Tax Bureau of the Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province (江西省奉新縣國稅局) including Accountant, Taxation Accountant  Chief Officer  1982 to 2010. Ms. Zhang graduated with a diploma with specialisation in taxation  the Cadres’ Academy of Finance  Management in Jiangxi (江西財經管理幹部學院) in 1987  with a degree in Economic Management  the Distance Learning Academy of the Central Parties’ School (中央黨校函授學院) in 2013.


Xu Yiliang (許貽良), aged 61, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 20 October 2016. Mr. Xu has over 40 years of experience in banking  finance. Mr. Xu has held various positions in the Fengxin County Branch of the People’s Bank of China  various sales  management positions in the Industrial  Commercial Bank of China Limited, including Credit Analyst, Vice Section Head, Section Head, Vice President  President of the Fengxin County  Jingan County Branch  Credit Centre Supervisor of the Yichun City Branch  1982 to 2016. Mr. Xu graduated with a diploma  the Academy of Banking in Jiangxi (江西省銀行學校) in 1982, a professional diploma  the City Finance School of the Staff University of the People’s Bank of China in Jiangxi (江西省人民銀行職工大學) in 1987  a degree in Economic Management  the Distance Learning Academy of the Central Parties’ School (中央黨校函授學 院) in 2001. He also obtained the qualifications of Senior Economist (高級經濟師) in 2012.


Li Guoxing (李國興), aged 51, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 5 December 2019. Mr. Li has over 19 years of experience in legal practices in the PRC. Mr. Li was a lawyer at Fujian Huide Law Firm  2003 to 2006  at Fujian Haochen Law Firm  2006 to 2010. Mr. Li joined Fujian Mintian Law Firm in 2010  currently is a partner of the firm. Mr. Li graduated with a diploma in Legal Studies  Huaqiao University in 2000  obtained his legal practice qualification  the PRC Justice Department in 2002. Mr. Li graduated with a degree in Legal Studies  Huaqiao University in 2007.  1991 to 2002, Mr. Li held various technical positions in the China Civil Aviation Department in Fuzhou  Fuzhou International Airport after he graduated with a diploma in Aircraft Mechanical Engineering  the Shanghai Academy of the China Civil Aviation Department.
